
Flight Attendant Rest Times Increased!

After over 20 years of research and advocacy, U.S. flight attendants have been successful in raising their minimum rest times between shifts to from 8 to 10 hours. This occurred due to the passing of the FAA re-authorization bill in October of 2018. This is a substantial increase over the earlier 8-hour minimum rest time, […]

Could My Flight Attendant Uniform Be Associated With My Wellbeing?

Alaska Airline flight attendants reported health complaints related to new uniforms rolled out in 2011 (1). By 2014, approximately 800 flight attendants had complained about how the new uniforms were negatively impacting their health, which led to Alaska Airlines recalling the uniforms, though without acknowledging harm. The research recently published by Dr. McNeely and colleagues suggests these health symptoms could be associated with the uniforms, based on data from before, during, and after use of the uniforms among Alaska Airlines flight attendants.

Harvard Flight Attendant Health Study

Washington Dulles – Oct. 22-24

  Come and visit us in Washington, Dulles Airport from October 22-24. We will be located in the United terminal.

2007 Flight Attendant Health Study Results

Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health conducted a landmark study in 2007 on this subject, and follow-up today is needed to understand trends in flight attendant health over time. Over 4,000 flight attendants participated in the first study. Help us exceed this number. The prevalence of respiratory disease amongst Flight Attendants was approximately three […]

Flight Attendants Making a Difference: The Kathie Cheney Story

Flight Attendants Making a Difference: The Kathie Cheney Story In this compelling video produced by the Georgia Alliance for Tobacco Prevention, former flight attendant Kathie Cheney describes her experience on smoke-filled flights, her diagnosis with “smokers’ throat” and subsequent surgery.