Mark J. Meyer, Irina Mordukhovich, Brent A. Coull, John McCracken, Gregory A. Wellenius, Murray A. Mittleman and Eileen McNeely.  Impact of simulated flight conditions on supraventricular and ventricular ectopy. Scientific Reports (2023).

Christopher Scheibler, Sneh M. Toprani, Irina Mordukhovich, Matthew Shaefer, Steven Staffa, Zachary D. Nagel and Eileen McNeely.  Cancer risks from cosmic radiation exposure in flight: A review. Frontiers in Public Health (2022).

Mark J. Meyer, Selina Carter, Eileen McNeely, and Elizabeth J. Malloy. Model Selection and Inference in Variational Longitudinal Distributed Lag Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.04012 (2022).

Dorota Węziak-Białowolska, Piotr Białowolski, Irina Mordukhovich & Eileen McNeely. Work, Gender, and Sexual Harassment on the Frontlines of Commercial Travel: A Cross-Sectional Study of Flight Crew Well-Being.Aerospace Psychology (2020). 

Mark J. Meyer, Irina Mordukhovich, Gregory A. Wellenius, Murray A. Mittleman, John P. McCracken, Brent A. Coull and Eileen McNeely. Changes in Heart Rate and Rhythm During a Crossover Study of Simulated Commercial Flight in Older and Vulnerable Participants.Frontiers in Physiology (2019).  

Eileen McNeely, Irina Mordukhovich , Steven Staffa, Samuel Tideman, Brent Coull.  Legacy health effects among never smokers exposed to occupational secondhand smoke. PLOS One (2019) 

Sara Gale, Irina Mordukhovich, Sami Newlan and Eileen McNeely.  The Impact of Workplace Harassment on Health in a Working Cohort. Frontiers in Psychology (2019). 

Eileen McNeely, Irina Mordukhovich, Samuel Tideman, Sara Gale and Brent Coull. Estimating the health consequences of flight attendant work: comparing flight attendant health to the general population in a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health (2018).  

Eileen McNeely, Irina Mordukhovich, Steven Staffa, Samuel Tideman, Sara Gale and Brent Coull. Cancer prevalence among flight attendants compared to the general population.BMC Environmental Health (2018).  

Christopher D. Zevitas, John D. Spengler, Byron Jones; Eileen McNeely, Brent Coull, Sin Ming Loo, Xiaodong Cao, Anna-Kate Hard, and Joseph G. Allen. Assessment of noise in the airplane cabin environment. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology  (2018)

Wu, C. A., Donnelly-McClay, D., Weisskopf, M. G., McNeely, E., Betancourt, T. S., & Allen, J. G. (2016). Airline pilot mental health and suicidal thoughts: A cross-sectional descriptive study via anonymous web-based survey. Environmental Health (2018)

Eileen McNeely, Irina Mordukhovich, Steven Jaffa, Brent Coull. Symptoms related to new flight attendant uniforms. BMC Public Health (2017). 

Joseph Allen, Sara Gale, Thomas Zoeller, John Spengler, Linda Birmbaum, Eileen McNeely. PBDE flame retardants, thyroid disease, and menopausal status in U.S. women. Environmental Health (2016)

Eileen McNeely, Sara Gale, Ira Tager, Laurel Kincl, Julie Bradley, Brent Coull, and Steve Hecker. The self-reported health of U.S. flight attendants compared to the general population.Environmental Health (2014).  

Allen J, Stapleton H J, Vallarino J, McNeely E, McClean M, Harrad S, Spengler J. Exposure to Flame Retardant Chemicals on Commercial Airplanes Environmental Health (2013)

Spengler JD, Allen JG, McNeely E. Exposure to Flame Retardants in Commercial Aircraft. Epidemiology (2012)

Spengler JD, Vallarino J, McNeely E, Estephan H, in cooperation with Ann Louise Summer. In-Flight/Onboard Monitoring: ACER’s Component for ASHRAE 1262, Part 2. Airline Cabin Environment Research (2012)

McNeely E, Spengler JD, Watson J. Health Effects of Aircraft Cabin Pressure in Older and Vulnerable Passengers 
Airline Cabin Environment Research (2011)

von Klot S, Muller F, Hoffman B, McNeely E, Kuch B, Meisinger C, Mittleman M, Peters A.  Traveling by Airplane and the Onset of Non-Fatal Myocardial Infarction: A Case-Crossover Study. Epidemiology (2011)

Inimary T, Burian D, McNeely E. Effects of Hypoxia on Gene Expression in the Elderly. FASEB Journal (2011)